PCH Services
Design and Development
At PCH we follow a rigorous engineering process that incorporates design-for-manufacturing early in our development, which enables us to bring innovative products to market faster and more reliably

Architect, Prototype & Test
We follow rigorous engineering process that incorporates design-for-manufacturing early in our development

We architect complete solutions and validate and test key performance specifications at the sub-assembly level via breadboard prototypes. This process de-risks the integration phase.

Working with our customers and their industrial design team, we reconcile design vision and cost with the detailed engineering design (using 3D mechanical CAD and volumetric studies, electrical schematics/layout, gestural UX models).

Produce looks-like and works-like prototypes based on production intent, detailed design, key components sourced from plan-of-record suppliers, and design for manufacturing.

PCH uses a combination of rapid prototyping and production-intent manufacturing processes. We fabricate the mechanical parts and electrical components, and we source off-the-shelf solutions, where possible. We fabricate fully-featured prototypes to assess design intent, performance and manufacturability
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